Monday, June 15, 2015

Why Study Chemistry ?

Posted by Unknown  |  at  12:07 AM No comments

Do you know ice is a solid and water is a liquid; how the battery in your car works to start the engine; why glass is fragile but not plastics; how different colors originate in fireworks display; why fertilizers are used in agriculture; how bodies use food to maintain life ? Answers to all these questions and many more supplied by chemistry.

Chemistry is the science that deals with the study of matter and the Changes it undergoes

Chemistry is the science that deals with the study of matter and the Changes it undergoes. Often, it is referred to as the central science because it is needed to understand the other sciences and technologies.

Chemistry has enriched our lives in many ways. It has improved healthcare through the development of new drugs and vaccines that enhance our health and prolong our lives. The food production has been increased by the development of fertilizers and pesticides, which are all chemicals. The food we eat is colored, flavored, and preserved by various chemical additives. Our domestic requirements, e.g. Soap, Shampoo, Toothpaste, Cosmetics,......etc. are provided by chemistry. Amenities such as air conditioning, refrigeration and electronic gadgets that we use in our day to day life for our comfort, convenience and pleasure are also provided by chemistry. Products that we need for construction ( Cement glass, ceramics, Plastics, Paints, .... etc) are produced through the exploitation on chemistry. Fuels used by vehicles and machinery also depend on chemistry for their manufacture and purification.

As you can see, the uses of chemistry are many. However, its misuse can have disastrous consequences on living beings and the environment. Therefore, a basic knowledge of chemistry will help you understand the world around you better.

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